I felt Her Waters on me today. My naked body plunged into Her blue depths. She tossed me gently, soothing every crevice of my skin. I felt Her touch: That of a Mother, with a deep
The Lake shouts as she lays still, basking the whole land in depth. From our heights we can feel her blowing, shining, igniting her long arms to embrace our naked bodies. She is no
The clinic is called ACAM (Associacion de Comadronas del Area Mam). The birthing center was built and created 12 years ago by a group of 35 traditional indigenous midwives who had
One of the more different and distinctive things that I have witness while studying at ACAM is the process of cord clamping and cutting. At ACAM the cord clamping is a gentle proce
How many times have you heard the words spoken, “Don’t be so sensitive!” “Why are you such a perfectionist?” “Why do you care so much?” “Sit still and focus!” “
Learning to love anger. According to some theories, human beings have five emotions: anger, fear, grief, love, and joy. For years, I had no relationship with my anger. I was able t
The snowflakes fell in slow motion in the cloudy morning air. Not moving in any direction in particular. But each making their way down from above, Eventually descending upon the e
The five of us sat around a small colorful table, clutching an over-sweetened plantain tea in thick clay mugs. The heat of the mug warmed my body from the evening wind chill that h
I have lived over 8,000 Sunsets, and have not seen nearly enough of them. The golden Sun has kissed beneath the black clouds, continuing to set. I wait patiently for the Sun to pea
The Lake shouts as she lays still, basking the whole land in depth. From our heights we can feel her blowing, shining, igniting her long arms to embrace our naked bodies. She is no