I am Bry, (or Brylene, if you know me by my artist alter-ego). I identify as an eternal Student, Creative, Yogi, and Future Midwife (CNM).
I crave adventure, but with deep roots. I have lived in Mexico, Argentina, and Guatemala. I have worked and traveled in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Europe, and Turkey. Throughout all places, writing is a constant that remains the glue to my experiences. It brings me home to potent expression of what is real. Through writing, I find courage in raw expression, and hope to create ripples that help others to realize their realness of this sacred human existence! Like in birth, there is no hiding we can do from true experience, so we might as surrender to it, and share in in our words and through our hearts. That is the work, and pleasure! Join me on this journey….
Should you choose to read, you will find that there are many writings about birth on here. I share them because its important to share what is real. There is nothing more beautiful than women helping women to embark on the ancient work of the Divine Feminine— form whom we all came, and to whom we all shall return. Not hiding from the rawest, and most authentic, moments of life, I work to breathe them in, oh so deeply. As women we have the gift to bring life into this world, bleed intermittently, and remind each other to breathe.
No hay nada más hermoso que las mujeres que ayudan a las mujeres a embarcarse en la antigua obra de la Divina Femenina— a la que todos hemos llegado, y a quien todos volveremos. No me escondo de los momentos más reales y auténticos de la vida, intento a inhalarlos, tan profundamente. Como mujeres tenemos el don de traer vida a este mundo, sangrar intermitentemente, y recordar a las demás a respirar. ¡Esa es la obra y el placer! Únete a mí en este viaje ….